2023: In Reflection

1st December 2023
Many things happened this year, including turning 60! It’s been a big year to reflect on what the next 10 years might look like. I’ve been churning away keeping the Studio busy for so long, I’m grateful to my team for helping it all come to pass. Trying to think about what it is that I’d like to accomplish in the coming years.
A little snapshot of extra stuff outside of my studio practice includes being on a search committee to find the new Glass Instructor for the University of Washington, as well as a search for the new Artistic director for Pilchuck Glass school. I also joined the Board of Trustees for the Sealaska Heritage Foundation. This was an exciting opportunity for me to help my community determine how to perpetuate the cultural arts, history and language. To be a part of that voice is a distinct honor for me. All that as well as being on the Pilchuck Glass School Board and The Corning Museum Board, gives me the opportunity to bring my perspective to these institutions.
The “Preston Singletary: Raven and the Box of Daylight” solo traveling exhibition had its run at the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, VA. in the Spring through the Summer, which also included a residency at their glass studio. This exhibit is currently on view at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art until April 28th, 2024. Artist talks included speaking at the Mingei Museum in San Diego, RISD, and the Detroit Art Institute. I also confirmed upcoming small museum shows at the San Francisco Airport, The Audain Museum in Whistler, BC, Canada as well as the National Wildlife Museum in Jackson, Wyoming.
I was able to travel to Europe this year for the first time since COVID, and I went to Sweden in the Summer to visit my wife’s family. It was fantastic to be with family and friends. The most recent trip was to Prague, Czech Republic where I spent 10 days working with Martin Janecký on a new body of work. This will end up being an ongoing project as we build this collaboration over time.
Last Winter I completed writing a book titled “Fusion Notes” and it’s now available through Minor Matters Books. Michelle Dunn Marsh coached me through the process, helped with editing, design and publishing, and I am happy with how it turned out!
On the music front my band Khu.éex’ went back into the studio to record a new album as well as soundtrack material for the upcoming documentary “Khu.éex’: The Magic of Noise”. This is in the final stages of production and should be coming out next year. We had many great shows this year, including Daybreak Star for a Native music showcase, Volunteer Park for a free Summer show, Travel to Juneau, AK. in September for Áak'w Rock - a Native music showcase that featured 30 performers from across Canada and the US.
We just returned from Oklahoma City where the “Preston Singletary: Raven and the Box of Daylight” show opened up for another 6 month run at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art and performed at the First American’s Museum there. Next up Khu.éex’ will be performing at the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle for the Native American Heritage night for the Kraken hockey game on December 9th.
Lots of good things are happening! I hope that you are all well and have a great holiday season, and best wishes for the New Year!
- Preston Singletary