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New Takes on Traditional Stories With Garth Stein

I have long wondered when the next story of Raven might be entered into the annals of Tlingit history. Did Raven just stop doing things, or is he perhaps some kind of spirit around us who is trying to affect changes knowingly or unknowingly?

I have partnered with my friend Garth Stein, who has Tlingit ancestry, and who is an internationally best-selling author. I asked him to create a narrative around this concept. It resulted in what I have come to think of as a new direction in my own work, imagining the stories of what Raven is up to these days.

I am from the Eagle moiety, the Kagwaantan: Box House and Killer Whale clan of Sitka. In the Tlingit culture, the tribe is split into two sides, Eagle and Raven. By tribal law the opposite moiety was asked to create the regalia and totem poles of the other.

Raven is also the central figure of the old Tlingit mythologies. In my interpretation of what Raven is up to now, I want to believe that he is battling climate change, protecting the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, or he helped discover the Residential School grave sites.

However we come to learn about these topics, they affect us all in one way or another. Raven still has a role in shedding light on the issues and topics of the day.

Driven by hunger, he is always on the look out for opportunities. Sometimes he is benevolent and sometimes he represents the worst aspects human nature. He is capable and fallible at this same time, like all humans.

Garth Stein's new takes on traditional stories were featured in the I Dream, Therefore I Am Raven exhibit at the Traver Gallery in May 2024 and will now be featured in the Raven Opened the Door to the Ocean exhibit from August 16th - 31st, 2024 at Blue Rain Gallery in Santa Fe, NM.
